Monday, January 27, 2020

Democratization of Islamic Countries

Democratization of Islamic Countries Revolutionary events that engulfed a number of Arab countries in 2010 2011 (in the media, they were called the event Arab Spring), have introduced a wide range of radical changes in the political situation in the Middle East and for the whole region had far-reaching consequences. As a result of these events, instead of the authoritarian regimes in a number of countries came to power moderate Islamist forces (Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, An-Nahda in Tunisia), who set themselves the task of development in these countries regimes Islamic democracy , mainly due to the Turkish model. Moderate Islamists (the party Justice and Development) won the parliamentary elections in Morocco, the country that has remained a monarchy, but went to a certain democratization of their political institutions. In another country, the Arab Spring Libya as a result of the general democratic elections came to power liberal Alliance of National Forces. All of the above events led many experts to conclude tha t new prospects for democratization in the region, which eventually should lead to a homogenization of the Middle East into a single policy area, where the main role will be played by pro-Islamic democratic regimes. However, in other Arab countries such as Syria and Yemen, the event Arab Spring has not been so successful, because here they have exacerbated the internal contradictions and resulted in civil war. In 2013, the prospects for the development of Islamic democracy were at issue in Egypt, where on July 3 was a military revolt, which resulted in the management of Muslim Brotherhood was behind bars. Meanwhile, in late May, internal political situation deteriorated and in a relatively stable until now Turkey. All these events have reopened the debate on an issue that worries experts in recent years: whether moderate Islamic regimes to stay in power and to bring democracy and stability in the political process in the Middle East?Or region again waiting for the dominance of authoritarian rule and civil war?Unfortunately, experts forecasts are not as optimistic as it was a few years ago, because it is clear that the risk of political instability poses a serious threat to many countries in the region. Over 2011-2012, it was possible to observe how the democratic reforms in the countries of the Arab Spring began to gradually become a reality. In particular, in the elections to the Peoples Assembly, the lower house of parliament in Egypt, which lasted more than 2 months, won a landslide victory moderate Islamic Freedom and Justice Party, which is the political wing of the Islamist movement Muslim Brotherhood. For this political force voted about 47% of voters. In the upper house of the Egyptian Parliament, the Advisory Council, it took another 105 members of this party. It is not surprising that the presidential elections held in Egypt in May-June 2012 he was elected leader of the country the candidate of freedom and justice S. Mursi, collected in the second round, more than half of all votes. Fortunately events developed for the Islamists in Tunisia. Here in the parliamentary elections, which took place in October 2011, won a landslide victory moderate Islamic party Ennahda, for which voted 41% of voters. According to the results of the election, the Prime Minister was elected General Secretary of the party H. Dzhebali. Overall, as a result of the impact of the Arab Spring, the democratic process and intensified in a number of other Arab countries of the Greater Middle East. In particular, parliamentary elections were held in February 2012 in Kuwait, where Islamists have received 34 of the 50 parliamentary seats. In Algeria, the countrys parliamentary elections took place in May 2012. They moderate Islamists (Green Algeria Alliance), although a small number of votes received (48 of 426 seats in parliament), but they have been admitted to the election authority and thus were included in the political process. Party moderate Islamic orientation are also a number of other Islamic countries, in particular: The movement of the Islamic Action in Jordan, AK Party building in Libya, Hamas in Palestine, the party Justice and Development in Morocco and others. Unfortunately, all of the successes of new Islamic democracy were thwarted further developments. Since the revolutions of the Arab Spring has passed about two years, but the situation in these countries is still unstable. In particular, in Libya armed fighting between militants of various revolutionary brigades, carried out the attacks and armed attacks on government offices. In Egypt, mass demonstrations by the secular opposition led by the National Salvation Front led to bloody clashes with supporters of Islamist and began to threaten to escalate into civil war, resulting in power in the country again into their own hands took the military. In Syria still ongoing civil war which resulted in the already killed more than 100,000 people. But the main thing that became restless and exemplary country of Islamic democracy Turkey. May 28 at Taksim Square in Istanbul began a peaceful demonstration, which later resulted in the massive anti-government riots that swept a number of Turkish ci ties. On the streets of Turkish cities came mainly supporters of the Turkish secular parties and opponents of gradual Islamization of the country, who demanded the resignation of the leader of the Islamist Erdogan and Islamic forces removal from power. It is clear that all the events are not some spontaneous actions, they have deep historical roots. In general, the main difficulties faced by Islamic democracy, are as follows: The first problem is related to the existence of a deep split in most Islamic societies through secularism / Sharia. This split has developed historically: the processes of modernization, which covered most Muslim societies in the twentieth century, contributed to the formation of a new elite focused on the Western model of development. The latter, which is concentrated mainly in the cities, took an active part in the updated state institutions andbecome their mainstay. At the same time, another hourPart of society remained a supporter of traditional Islamic values. As a consequence, there was a split society through peripherals (province, traditional) and the center (urban, modern). Dissatisfied with existing secular regime organized in the Islamic movement and the beginning of democratization in the Islamic parties. 1980-1990 were the years of revival and the triumph of political Islam in Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria. However, in defense of secular regimes in these countries have beco me military, led to some curtailment of democratic processes. Now another round of such aggravation we see in Turkey, where the secular circles opposed the policy of the ruling Islamic party Justice and Development aimed at the Islamization of the country as well as in Egypt, where the secular parties and the military opposed the president S. Mursi. The second problem is related to the existence of a difficult socio-economic situation, which is observed in most of the Arab Spring. Experts believe that one of the most important factors in the success of democracy is to ensure an adequate level of economic development, which, unfortunately, is not present at a number of Islamic revolutionary countries. The emergence of civil society and democracy can not be there where people need to think about their vital necessities of life. In this context, the economic problems of Egypt, which in no way failed to weaken the government S. Mursi proved to be a factor that contributed to the exit of people on the street. The third problem is characterized by the existence in Muslim societies of the whole complex of inter-clan, inter-faith and inter-ethnic conflicts. Society of the Middle East have a pretty motley composition, because they consist of various religious groups (such as Syria, Iraq and Lebanon), the various ethnic and tribal groups (such as Libya and Yemen), patrimonial clans, etc. As part of an authoritarian regime, all these groups are under government control. But in the case of destabilization of the political situation, they actively intervene in the political struggle for power and tend to inflame tribal and religious struggle, which could result in civil war. In particular, in Syria faced the interests of a number of different groups: Shiite Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Kurds, Christians. Fourth obstacle to the development of democracy in Islamic countries stands stratum military circles that actively interfere in the internal political processes in their countries. The armys role in politics in the Middle East has always been significant. Military circles mainly act on the side of the secular community in their struggle against political Islam. In Egypt, the secular army positions were greatly strengthened by General G. Naserom that from 1952 to 1970 led the country. The armed forces in Turkey and have always played an important role in the political life of the country. Prospects for democratization of Islamic countries Arab Spring There are historical experience shows that any significant shocks and abrupt changes in the policies of individual countries are becoming a significant catalyst for peoples activity, pushing it to the protest. Free elections bring to the surface of the political forces that are most consistent with the interests of the masses. It is not surprising that such forces in the countries of the Arab Spring in the first place were the Islamists. But the imposition of its policies mainly towards realization of the Sharia inevitably leads to the emergence of opposition from secular circles and has the effect of further destabilization of the situation in a particular country. The level of this risk is not the same for all countries. It depends on many factors: the duration and nature of the tensions in society, especially the political groups that came to power, the state of the economy, etc But in any case it must be assumed that the current realities in countries emerging from popular uprisings and armed insurgencies characterized by imbalance and threaten to destabilize the political regimes in violation of inner balance. And this can happen in case of problems in the economy and the exacerbation of social problems. In Egypt, there was just such a situation. The revolutionary events and changes in the political regime drew deeper roots of general economic frustration, which was due to too straightforward strategy for market development in the context of significant lack of resources and numerous imbalances in the economy. The revolution led to a further decline in living standards and an increase in the number of unemployed. S. Mursi government failed to stabilize the situation, not of an economic success of the policy of Islamization of the country has caused discontent among a significant number of Egyptians and forced the military to take over power in their hands. Given recent events, the democratization of Egypt in the future looks pretty controversial. Most likely, military forces will continue to try to control the situation in the country. Tunisia, which all States Arab Spring looks most promising in terms of the development of democracy, is now also going through difficult times. Killing one of the leaders of the opposition Sh. Belaida caused outrage among many people. And after the military mutiny July 3, 2013 in neighboring Egypt guide Tunisia announced the introduction in the country for 3 months of emergency. Still among the Muslim countries in the region, the most successful looks Turkey. But much depends on the leadership of the ruling Islamic party Justice and Development. If its leaders will provide a balanced internal policies, taking into account the interests of minorities, including secular circles, the forecast further development of democracy in the country is positive. If the countrys leaders will ignore the interests of the minority, the country may also threaten political destabilization. Considering the broader context of the prospects for democratization of Islamic countries, it should be noted that some of the Arab world as a whole immune to political change. Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly the most striking example, when an authoritarian regime operates without any obstacles. Similarly, in other Gulf countries authoritarian regimes seem strong enough and immutable. Despite the existence of substantial domestic opposition, the events of the Arab Spring almost no impact on Iran. Local authoritarian regime seems to be safe, at least in the medium term. With regard to Iraq, after the withdrawal of US troops, the situation looks increasingly fragile and weak in the face of the fragmentation of the state. Undoubtedly, the war of 2003 and continued US military presence in Iraq has not led to the desired Americans democratic change, but on the contrary, caused a further aggravation of internal problems.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Internal Management Essay

1.0 Introduction I am a second year student of Applied Languages and Information Technology. I have been assigned an Internal Management Report on the recruitment, selection and induction training methods of a company. I have chosen Hertz International Reservations Call Centre in Swords, Co. Dublin as I recently completed a week on work placement there. While on work placement there, I learnt about how the call centre operates and the selection and training procedures. In my assignment I will give a report on my findings. 2.0 Recruitment Methods in Hertz The main part of recruitment in Hertz is done through recruitment agencies. The agency in which Hertz use is ‘Richmond Recruitment’. The other means of recruitment is by accessing applications on file. These present application forms may be postal CV’s, emailed CV’s or Internet applications. Applications can be made directly to Hertz on their website at or From time to time newspapers are also used as a way to recruit staff. Internal recruitment, i.e. positions for Team Leaders/Market managers is also popular within Hertz call centre. 3.0 Selection Methods 3.1 Curriculum Vitaes All CV’s which are received by Hertz are screened by the recruitment team and/or Team Leaders. The qualities and competencies in which they look for in a CV are: * Customer service skills and experience, including an ability to work well with the public and an ability to adopt a customer perspective. * Technical skills, including proficiency with computers, systems and keyboarding skills. * Strong verbal communication skills, including good voice quality, diction and articulation. 3.2 Interviews After the process of the selection and elimination of CV’s, the unsuccessful applicants are sent a letter within weeks. The agencies are also notified. The accepted candidates are notified with a date and time of interview. There are usually two interviews given. The recruitment team does the first interview although depending on the position and CV. The second is performed by a Team leader/Manager with a recruitment panel. The same questions are asked of all candidates (so that valid comparisons can be made). The interviewer emphasises the demands of the job e.g. shift hours, weekend work etc. It is then up to the candidate to decide whether they can commit to the job or not. Education, why Hertz appeals, greatest achievements are just some of the questions which are asked in the interview. If the candidate is good, the interviewer asks about notice period, holidays booked, if a work permit is required and salary expectations. The candidate is then asked if they have any questions, the contract conditions are explained and they are thanked for attending the interview. Notes are taken by the interviewer to help asses candidates more effectively after the interview. They also help to communicate to human resources department and other managers. They clearly state the outcome of the interview and an offer/rejection is then made. 3.3 The interview assessment At the end of a panel interview, each member of the panel compares the attributes of the candidate against the criteria laid down in the job description. This type of analysis helps ensure objectivity and enables the reason for selection/non-selection to be identified. After the 2nd interview, references are carried out prior to offer. The recruitment team then offers the position, and a contract is sent to the successful candidate. When the contract is returned, an employee file is set up. 4.0 Induction 4.1 Customer Service Training On the issue and acknowledgement of a position offered, Hertz Swords, notifies the employee of the commencement of their position. All new employees must complete a four to six week intensive training course. (Depending on hours of training per day). This begins from day one. A timetable is issued to each employee to show the programme of Induction training. On the first day photographs are taken for access cards which are needed to enter and exit the building and to eat lunch. The new employees are then introduced to trainers and each other. A presentation on the history of Hertz and overview of the company is then given. Health and safety, HR and payroll are explained followed by a tour of the building, customer services and fire safety. Coffee breaks and lunch are timetabled in between. Staff handbooks are given out which includes many important issues on being an employee at Hertz. It provides the employee on important information such as canteen facilities, computers, discipline procedures, drug policy, security, absence, equal opportunities, bullying & sexual harassment and more. During week one of training the employee is given the opportunity to become familiar and relaxed within Hertz. Week two of training consists of shadowing calls. This is done by sitting with a Team leader or customer service agent and listening in on their incoming and outbound calls. This is taken place in the market language of the position of the trainee. The purpose of this is to give the employee an insight into what their job initials. The trainees see how the agent enters the information into the computer. In week three and four the trainee is then thought how the system is used which is Escalibre. Country, city and airport codes are learned. There are also codes for the car type. Each car has four codes. Each position in the four-character vehicle code represents a definable characteristic of the vehicle. They are given a list on the imput codes and must learn them off. The trainee is also trained in sales, i.e. how to sell a car reservation and how to take a call. Here are some guidelines in which they are trained to follow: * Try to answer the telephone promptly * Greet the caller with a clear, cheerful voice * Identify yourself * Listen closely and offer assistance. * Act with speed and courtesy * Offer our customer a satisfactory conclusion to his/her call. * Create a good image of Hertz They are trained as to how to deal with an angry caller: * Firstly, don’t take the problem personally * Stay calm and listen! * Be patient. * Avoid interrupting until the caller has let off steam. * Avoid being rude yourself * Use careful questioning to sort out the problem * Offer positive assistance where possible. * If you are unable to deal effectively with the problem, make sure you pass the call on to someone who can. * Never make false promises to get rid of the problem Further training in week four consists of make mock calls i.e. practising with other trainees, reversing roles as the customer service agent and customer. Customer’s name is always Mr. Test! Additional training is given on the special offers, Hertz # 1 club gold card, Le swap magique and other packages. The trainee is thought about the benefits and terms and conditions, which must be explained to the customers. After the four weeks of training the new employee is ready to start their new position. Further on the job training is given during the duration of their new employment. 4.2 Prevention of strain/injury Training must follow legal compliance. Without training agents are exposed to significantly increased risk of aches, pains, stress and debilitating injury. Information alone is very rarely effective as staff tend to dismiss it. Staff need to understand how to make the most of their workstation (chair, desk and equipment), how to take responsibility for their own comfort and safety and what to do if problems arise. Managers and IT personnel need to be familiar with policy of workplace and equipment and safety to ensure planning and maintenance are correct. 5.0 Conclusions/Recommendations I feel Hertz International Call Centre in Swords has a very up to date and efficient Recruitment, Selection and Training procedure. The interviews are intense by non-discriminatory. The selection procedure is justly as it is essential for the company to choose the right candidate suitable for the position. The internal recruitment is also very successful as it gives the current staff of Hertz to progress within the company. Their training is very skilful and intense. The on-going training within the company is very successful and professional. I feel Hertz benefits from the procedures in which they have in place for the recruitment, selection and training of staff. 6.0 Bibliography I would like to thank all the staff working in Hertz. Without them this report would not be possible. I received most of my knowledge and information on the company from them. I would also like to thank my auntie Ann for sitting down to talk to me about her work in Hertz.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Edward Albee’s “The Sandbox” Essay

The inability of people to communicate and loss of personal values can lead to dramatic effects. Edward Albee’s play â€Å"The Sandbox† is an example of modern American drama in which he demonstrates cruel relations in a middle class family, criticizing modern society’s decay. Within the story we see the dialogue between family members, a husband and his wife, who are awaiting the death of her mother. As the names of characters suggest (Mommy, Daddy, Grandma), the action takes place within the family unit. Notice that the names of characters are generic. In doing this, the author is trying to show that it can be any family members. The story shows their cold relations with and disrespect for their old grandmother. We see the money over the family values, so much in common with American society today. The story reflects the reality of the contemporary American family. This is often a common situation today: the children bring their old mother from her country farm to their big beautiful house in the city. They do it not for her pleasure, but for their own convenience. They care neither for what she thinks, nor her interests or values. Money is the most important thing to them. They think she does not understand things very well anymore because she is old, and old-fashioned. In reality she understands more than anyone can imagine. Finally, when the children tire of her, they take her to a nursing home, where she can wait for the end alone. In the story â€Å"The Sandbox†, the author makes a judgment about the younger generation’s attitude towards the older generation. The main theme of the story is the inability of people to communicate with each other, the emptiness of contemporary family life, and the meaninglessness of modern existence. The main characters play an important role in supporting the theme. As we see throughout the story, Mommy and Daddy are ignorant people. Mommy is domineering and cruel, while Daddy is passive and emasculated. He does what she says, followed by â€Å"Whatever you say, Mommy.† She shows no respect towards anyone, including her mother and husband. We notice when Mommy and Daddy speak to one another, that there is no warm and sincere relationship between them; she only married him for the money. They treat Grandma with politeness, yet at the same time with merciless detachment. They talk about her, but hardly to her. Mommy reveals no emotional  attachment to her own mother. Daddy at least worries that Grandma is uncomfortable, but Mommy shuts him up. The emotion of concern they display is more hypocritical than sincere. On the other hand, Grandma is sincere and even child-like, making her character admirable. All the same she is sharp-tongued and shrewd. This only adds to the complexity of her personality. From the beginning of the play, we see that the plot of the story is evident, due to the way Mommy and Daddy talk about Grandma, and how they treat her. However there is no clear climax or resolution to the story. Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma are symbols of poor relationships in the contemporary family unit. Mommy, Daddy and symbolize the future generation, while Grandma is an icon of the past. She tries to fit into and relate to the fashion of the new generation but at her age, she no longer commands the social weight. The new generation (Mommy and Daddy) do not want to accept her values and do not want her to be involved in their lives. The Young Man is presented in the story as the Angel of Death. He symbolizes today’s personal values, emptiness and lack of culture of the new generation. When he kisses Grandma, it symbolizes that the end is near. When she dies, she is going to take her values and traditions to the grave. The bareness of the stage suggests the society in which we live today. When Grandma buries herself using the pail and shovel, she represent one of the millions of people with values and traditions, who is tired of living in a society that is so empty of emotions. When she dies, it represents the passing of an age, one in which value and hard work were important. Mommy and Daddy represent the decadent way of life that replaces it. In this play, Albee tries to show the reality of today’s society, with its lack of compassion for individuals, regardless of age and the decline of culture and traditions that support it.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay on Half.Com Customer Service - 932 Words

Ha Customer Service Ramona Russell Davenport University HRMG433 Professor Rhonda Bunce Introduction One of the customer – service agents for, Bill Ryan, is â€Å"one of 30 customer - service agents at, an online market-place owned by eBay Inc., the Internet auction company† (Milkovich, Newman, amp; Gerhart, 2011). lists all the products from sellers for the public, on their website and acts more like an intermediate between the buyers and the sellers. receives all inquires about the products sold on the website from customers, then the customer service agents contact the sellers with the questions and lastly, once the information is received, contacts the customer back to pass†¦show more content†¦He is well trained to answer any inquires but some of the questions have to be referred to supervisors or sellers. Useful Information The most useful information to me is the information provided about the way Mr. Ryan handled disgruntled customers, especially the ones over the phone: â€Å"Mr. Ryan remains calm, calling on skills he learned in a one-day seminar called â€Å"Dealing With Difficult People.† In the class, which he took before coming to, he learned to paraphrase what the customer is saying to make sure he understands the complaint. Mr. Ryan also takes care to speak clearly with strong sense of empathy†¦ An observer listening to Mr. Ryan gets the sense that he is not acting† (Milkovich, Newman, amp; Gerhart, 2011). I find this information valuable as I am also working in a customer service area, and dealing with unhappy customers is a must. Mr. Ryan’s behavior shows his dedication and illustrates the way one should be treated when upset. Mr. Ryan first, remains calm, secondly listens to the customer, and then repeats to make sure he understands the complaint. It is imperative that the representative truly understands the problem so he or she can fix it, thus making wrong things right. Additional Information I would have liked to read more about other ways Mr. Ryan deals with unhappy customers, over the phone, or online. There is a bigShow MoreRelatedJob Description For Customer Service Agents1372 Words   |  6 Pages Abstract The importance of customer service agents has been underscored in a number of studies. Customer service agents are the front lines of every company being the first people with whom the clients interact with. It is in this regard that customer service agents must be able to possess certain qualities and skills to help them perform efficiently and effectively. To do so, they must be able to adhere to job descriptions prepared by the company. 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